Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 5: Jumbooooo!

Day 5 January 18 PM

This is a quick post before heading to sleep but we wanted to share a few funny moments from tonight. We went over to watch some of their younger players train, about age 15-19. They were better than we expected so we ended up playing with them a few sets. By far the funnest part of the trip was teaching the players english through volley lingo. While doing so warm up hitting I hit a few jumbo shrimp (high arching shots to a corner) and yelled JUMBOOOOOO! As I hit it. Well, the players thought this was simply the greatest ever so they started doing it too. Excpet now they talk about it ALL THE TIME and all Mark I can make it the whirlwind of Hindi is dadadadadaadadad JUMBO dadadadadadadad. The highest of high comedy. They were pretty excited when one of the players actually hit one correctly that scored. They will be sorely disappointed when we tell thm it is NOT an indoor shot (even though we are playing indoor rules, 6 vs. 6 outside) and should never be used. We are having fun though.

Two other quick funny stories. First Mark and I demanded to have a very light dinner with all of the food we've been downing and quickly decided to start cutting back on the biriyani before We're the first people EVER to travel to India and actually gain weight. Hell, the people here can barely gain weight.

And lastly, Mark and I were talking in the car still trying to describe the driving and road situations. Mark has perhaps the best description ever: Imagine the start of a marathon or 5K or whatever running road race with everyone leaving and jostling for position at the same time. Got it? Good. Now imagine the start of the race where every is bunched up (think beginning of the NYC Marathon crossing the Brooklyn Bridge). Now add motorcycles, mopeds, cars, and all of the spectators to that image. Now imagine that all of these people, runners, and drivers were Indian. Welcome to India. JUMBOOOOOO!!!!!!

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